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e-Mailer for 11/2024 * [versión
en Español]
Patriotic greetings in Jesus from Panamá!
November is Fiestas
Patrias (National Holidays). So we dressed up in the
traditional ladies
blouse and guys guyavera to minister at church Sunday.
Yvonne sang and
played piano for worship and Kirk preached.
In addition to the patriotic, we send prayerful
for those in the USA on Election Day! Please know that many
Panamanians are
praying for you.
What have we been up to recently…?
Amigo Mentor orphanage ministry:
Our Sunday afternoon Bible Club at the
orphanage continues to
grow with several new Amigo Mentors / Mentor Friends
recruited, trained
and added to the volunteer team!
AD KIDS Ministry Events:
National AD Kids
ministry team held their first weekend kids
camp in a long time. We were invited share the message on the
opening night. The
theme was “Full of the Holy Spirit.” And God showed up powerfully
during the
altar services with many children experiencing baptism in the Holy
Spirit and
speaking in tongues for the first time. It was powerful and
There was time set aside for several kids to
share their
talents in fine arts once again, this time with their peers from
other parts of
the country: preaching, dancing and singing.
Since it was “camp,” of course, there was time to enjoy fun
and fellowship in the pool!
“Pastors Kirk & Yvonne Jones. Panamá
Assemblies of God
Kids Ministries thanks you for sowing into the Next Generations
your time,
resources, knowledge, dedication, love and all your life to the
missionary work
of the Panamanian children for more than 30 years. ¡Your legacy is
Needless to say we were moved to tears with
gratitude and
humbled by the gesture. It is truly an honor to serve the Lord and
precious people.
Speaking of surprises, our “bosses,” AD Kids Directors Luis
& Cenith Mendoza are pictured here while we the national
leadership team
prayed for their family (with son Obed and baby daughter Iana). It
was in
celebration of Luis’ birthday, which they surprised him. Which in
itself was a
surprise since he is rarely ever surprised…
Panama International Church ministry:
As part of the worship team Yvonne joined in
the Light Night
Concert. She also helps weekly with the high school youth worship
Kirk (AKA Teacher Tony) continues teaching
elementary kids
and has filled in preaching.
urge, then,
first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and
thanksgiving be made
for all people— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we
may live
peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3 This
is good, and
pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all people to be saved and
to come to a
knowledge of the truth.
Timothy 2:1-4
Thank you for your prayers and faithful
support. You make
these reports possible and fruitful. May God richly bless you for
Yours for Them!