> newsletters e-Mailer for 3/2023 * [versión en Español]mapgirl.jpg

Dear Friends,

Greetings in Jesus from Panamá in the summer!


Yvonne_counting-240.jpegThank you for your ongoing support in finance and prayer that makes possible our work here in Panamá and these brief ministry reports we share with you.

In the previous issue we asked you to pray for the upcoming annual business session of the Panama Assemblies of God. We are pleased to report that the elections were conducted smoothly, with the missionary team collaborating with our Panamanian volunteers to tally and report.Annual_Session-worship-240.jpeg

In addition to the daily business sessions, there truly was a sovereign move of God with extended times of prayer at the altar following the inspiring messages of our pioneer missionary who 55 years ago began the AG work in Panamá, Rev. David Godwin.Kirk-Yvonne-David-Godwin-120.jpeg

We were able to hold an activity for the Amigo Mentor program at the original center where it all began, now under new management. Sorry, we cannot show any pictures from this event. But please trust us when we say it was truly a joy to connect potential mentors with these precious kids. Many of these children face physical and cognitive challenges. During the times of games, worship songs, and crafts drawing together, the laughter, smiles and joy were impossible to miss.


One highlight was to see the three siblings whom we mentor return to share and lead parts of the activity. They had lived for several years at that very center. They knew some of the children from before, and were friends. They definitely understood what they were going through, and were able to share from their own experiences. Please pray with us for the next generation of kids to find mentors who will help them overcome and thrive in Jesus!


AD_Kids_logoAD_Kids_Jesus_party-240.jpegThank you to those of you who joined us in praying for the next AD Kids Leaders Workshop, this month in David, Chiriquí. We traveled with our “kids,” Directors Luis & Cenit Mendoza. All of us were pleasantly surprised by the turnout of 250+ leaders who gathered for motivation, direction and training in more effective kids ministry in their local church. Some of them traveled most of the night before to get there for the five hour seminar.


They even recruited all the leadership team to join the Jesus dance party up front. I shared a workshop on the different areas of a child’s growth and development that included dynamic and fun biblical learning activities involving all the senses in order to maximize kids’ participation.
Kirk_teaching-240.jpegBefore closing, I trust you will indulge me a brief shout out: Chiefs Kingdom, where you at?

Thank you for your ongoing support in prayer and finance. If you supported our ministry on a regular basis last year we are sending out our yearend Thank You letter separately by e-mail. If you should receive one but do not, kindly let us know so we can make any corrections needed.


…for even when I was in Thessalonica (insert “Panamá”), you sent me aid more than once when I was in need. Not that I desire your gifts; what I desire is that more be credited to your account

Philippians 4:16-17 (NIV)

May the Lord richly bless you!

Kirk & Yvonne

P.S. Minor delivery update: this will be the last issue sent via MailChimp. Kindly update us with any future e-mail address changes to: Thank you!

P.P.S. If you prefer not to receive these e-Mailers, or happen to receive a duplicate, simply reply “remove” or “dup” and we will take care of it.