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e-Mailer for 5/2022 * [versión
en Español]
Greetings in Jesus from Panamá!
Thank you for your prayer and financial
support that makes
possible these brief testimonies we share each month. Here is
how we are
investing in the kingdom of God together:
Last week at our visit to the transitory
center there was a
very sweet spirit among the children. They all participated
more than normal in
the worship, Bible lesson, and prayer time. We even heard
delightful laughter
from a young teen who is deaf and mute. Usually he is all over
the room!
On our way home afterwards, Yvonne received
a WhatsApp chat
saying that the PAINT
missions prayer team had just been praying for us. She quickly
wrote back a
huge thank you giving evidence of the results! And now we
thank YOU for the
A new open door for the Amigo Mentor
Panamá program
recently opened. Encouraged by the evidence of prayer
producing results that we
just shared, we ask you to pave the way with us in prayer. We
look forward to
reporting future victories in Jesus as we continue to meet
with leaders and
prepare mentors to love on those precious kids from hard
Last month we requested
prayer for the Panamá Assemblies of
God Annual Business Session—for the elections, health of our
leaders and God’s
wisdom and guidance. Little did I know I was requesting prayer
for myself!
Shortly before the first election for the position of
(superintendent), they asked me to preside as acting president
for that
election, since all the executives were potential candidates.
With God’s help,
along with the indispensable advisor team, our current
President Johnny Saucedo
was returned to office after two days and 10 ballots.
There were tense moments, lengthy debates,
and several
prophetic messages interspersed. Following that election many
Panamanian pastor
friends greeted me with the title “Señor Presidente,”
to which I quickly
corrected them with a smile, “EX-presidente.” To serve
is a privilege,
and a sacrifice.
Serving alongside our dedicated Panamanian ministers is also
an inspiration. Anticipating Pentecost Sunday 5 June, the
national church is committed
to praying every weekday 5 AM to 6 AM using ZOOM, Facebook
live, and YouTube.
Hundreds join each day calling out to the Lord for a fresh
outpouring of the
Holy Spirit on our lives, our churches, and our nation!
Once again last, but definitely not least, Tony & Paola
are now married! It was a beautiful celebration of what God
has brought
together in their lives. We had prayed for months and God
answered. In
particular, no Covid interruptions--Hallelujah!
We even got to include the kiddos at the orphanage in the
wedding festivities, sort of. With an abundance of wedding
cake left over, we included
that at our Easter week resurrection party, along with gifts
for each one!
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and
sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to
offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing
to God—this is your
true and proper worship.
Kirk & Yvonne