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e-Mailer for 9/2019
Dear Friends,
Greetings from Springfield, MO!
Thanks for praying for
travel safety on the first three legs of our four-corner
nationwide tour. Oregon is our next stop then back to SoCal
for a while.
July and August have
been full and fruitful:
After sharing in devos
at our SoCal Network office we drove halfway across the
country to itinerate out of Springfield, MO for a few weeks.
While we cannot include every church & individual
visited (if we did, you would probably stop reading…), we’d
like to highlight a few people and places:
Crown Pointe Church in Lees Summit MO is led
by Pastor Dennis Luce (with wife Necole & daughter
Lilly). I’ve known Dennis since early '80s at SCC/Vanguard
U. and then in San Diego church ministry together. This is a
strong and generous missions-minded church. Gloves
of Love with Kelly Woods from this church touched kids
lives in Panamá back in 2010. It's also home to current
national Bible Quiz champ team!
stop was Orlando for General Council (GC) and Together 2019
(T19) missionary gathering. Latin America & Caribbean
Region was well-represented in the Exhibition hall at GC.
Missionaries volunteered to man the booth. We got to make
coffee while talking with people interested in LAC
Missions reaching “The Other Five.”
For the first time
General Council concluded with the commissioning service for
this year’s new missionaries. And Yvonne got to sing in the
Immediately following GC was T19. Picture
1700 adult missionaries + 900 missionary kids (Chloe was
“Nurse Band-Aid” for the older MKs) gathered together to
be (re)commissioned: “renewed-refocused-recommitted.” We
enjoyed powerful and inspirational times in God’s
presence, hearing His Word and responding with renewed
zeal for the Great Commission!
Continuing our travels
northward into North Carolina, we’d like to greet our new
friends from Hispanic churches in Salisbury & Concord
NC: Saludos a la Iglesia El Buen Pastor con Rvdo.
Santiago Ramirez Juarez y Templo Redención con Rvdo. Josué
Rosales. It is exciting how God is clearly doing
something new growing our Spanish-speaking churches across
the country!
Further north in Pittsburgh PA we give a
shout out and thanks to Bethel AG Church for blessing us
with a place to stay and the privilege to get to know Pastor
Danny & Heather LeVeck & their beautiful family.
They are reflecting and impacting their community powerfully
for Jesus!
Back in Springfield MO, Battlefield Assembly
of God with Pastor Richard Orrell is a church full of
veteran missionaries, ministers and senior saints who are
all in for the cause of Christ around the world. Their
Missions Convention services and banquet were a time of
celebration and renewed commitment. We were so happy that
Chloe & Grace could be there too!
On August 22, we
celebrated Yvonne’s one year anniversary after successful
open-heart surgery. Thanks to those who had prayed! As she
has shared all this past year, God has been so good! More
details from her on that later.
A brief family update here, in reverse order:
Gracie is in her senior year at Drury U. and recently moved
into an apartment on campus. Celina participated as a
bridesmaid in a friend’s Punjabi wedding celebration that
was an experience of a lifetime. Tony began the new school
year as a special education coordinator for several students
at the same international school in Panamá City. Chloe got
Mom & Dad to go with her to “spin-din”! That is her
favorite exercise of stationary bicycle spin class followed
by dinner with good friends.
We thank God and many of
you for fund-raising progress! We are now trusting the Lord
& His people for slightly less additional funds needed:
$ 1,482 monthly
$ 24,800 cash
With that improvement,
and with Haggai’s promise below, we are motivated to
continue to work and trust the Spirit of the Lord to do the
shaking and the filling for His glory.
Be strong, all you
people of the land, declares the Lord. Work, for I am with
you, declares the Lord of hosts, according to the covenant
that I made with you when you came out of Egypt. My Spirit
remains in your midst. Fear not. For thus says the Lord of
hosts: Yet once more, in a little while, I will shake the
heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry land. And I
will shake all nations, so that the treasures of all
nations shall come in, and I will fill this house with
glory, says the Lord of hosts.
Haggai 2:4-7 (ESV)
Kirk & Yvonne
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