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e-Mailer for 5/2018
Dear Friends,
Greetings in Jesus from Panamá.
Here’s an update on some things the Lord has allowed us to be a part of recently. If you'd prefer you can read this e-Mailer online, or see past issues on "Newsletter" page at This issue includes updates on our life, ministry, praise, and prayer.
Beloved veteran missionaries in Panamá Uncle Dorothy and Auntie Larry (as he always called himself) established the Bible School network in Panamá. They also first presented us with the need and opportunity to become missionaries to children here in 1989 and then hosted us with Baby Chloe when we first arrived in 1992. It was our treat to be able to return the favor last month and host Dorothy Cederblom and her granddaughter Tara when they came to visit Panamanian friends and ministries. foto
A recent
arrival to our leadership seminars, Lexsaida De Orta Martinez
at Templo Monte de Sión shared with us how their kids
ministry is making good use of the PowerMark Seeker Series
curriculum we’ve been providing each month. I hope her emojis
here ☝🏻😇🙏🏻
express the kids appreciation (and don’t get lost
in e-mail translation… ;-D )
For last month’s kids ministry leaders seminar Kirk addressed Effective Strategies for Recruiting and Preparing kidsmin workers. The vast majority of our leaders told us that for the most part they are on their own, with a few shining examples of pastoral leadership investing time and resources in the next generation of leaders. Passing the batón has become a theme for the new executive leadership of the Assemblies fo God of Panamá.
In the previous issue we
introduced you to our newly elected President Johnny Saucedo.
In line with his new approach to leadership cooperation he
convened a listening and sharing meeting with all of the
missionaries. He simply shared his focus on Relevo
Generaciónal – passing the batón to the next generation.
And he asked for our suggestions to help the national church.
This bodes well for future growth of the church here in
The Amigo Mentor Panamá program that
Yvonne began connects kids from hard places with Christian
families. For this month’s update we’d like to ask you to pray
with us for the young people who turn 18 years old in an
institution then have to leave. We mentored Odeima and
Evelayda until they turned 18. Since then we have visited
Odeima now living with a generous Christian woman; she makes
beautiful handcrafts to sell and is going to church. Sadly we
saw Evelayda only once afterwards, but subsequently have lost
contact. Pictured here is Miguel Angel who also aged out of
the institution. He is living on his own in a rented room, but
doesn’t have a home church. So when he reached out to us we
took him to Templo El Shaddai trying to connect him
with the good folks there. The pastor contacted me the
following week saying they are reaching out to him. Thanks for
lifting up these precious kids (James 1:27) and their future
Next month we again welcome Pastor Roy Rhodes and team from Abundant Life Community Church, Alton, IL. They will continue the ongoing expansion project at the ChildHope School in Soloy among the Ngobe Indian children.
Also upcoming next month is the World Cup of Futbol (soccer) with Panamá qualifying for the first time in history! You can join us chanting ¡Marea Roja! (“red tide”) for Panamá, since unfortunately you can’t cheer on the US (ooh! too harsh?)
After receiving mid-March birthday cards the beginning of May, I realized that our Panamá Post Office Box Apartado is no longer a viable mail option. So you will see that the Panamá “Apdo.” postal address is no longer listed in our contact info below. As always feel free to call VoIP, WhatsApp using cell number or e-mail us. If you need a postal “snail” mail address we do have a courier service that we pay for based on piece/weight to receive US mail here in Panamá.
Thanks for continuing prayers for Yvonne’s heart. The results from the scan showed the size of the ascending aortic aneurysm holding steady just below threshhold requiring surgery. We will have a follow up scan and consultation with the surgeon in August. So for now our plans are to return to the US for itineration ministry in 2019, exact date TBD.
I trust this passage will be an encouragement to your hearts as it has been to mine. 2 Peter 1:3-11 has been my theme verses for 2018:
3 His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness,
through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence,
4 by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises,
so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature,
having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire.
2 Peter 1:3-4 (ESV)
Yours for Them,
Kirk & Yvonne
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