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e-Mailer for 8/14
Dear Friends,
Greetings in Jesus!
If you'd prefer you can read this e-Mailer online, or see past issues on "Newsletter" page at This monthly e-Mailer includes updates on our life, ministry, praise, and prayer.
Here’s what’s new:
AGWM recently upgraded the AGMD website (Assemblies of God Missionary Directory). has been expanded to allow for crowd sourcing, prayer-raising, networking, fund-raising, and easier communication. Visitors to the site will now be able to search by region, area, country, and sending district. There are even profiles for personnel in sensitive locations. You can visit the individual missionary page to see their profile, commit to pray, sign up for newsletters, or see archives, and follow their social media posts.
We have created a new facebook missions page for ministry, missions and itineration updates. Yvonne and Kirk still have and use their personal fb pages (so please don’t unfriend us!). Simply visit and like the page to receive occasional missions updates.
It should have arrived in your mailbox. If not, feel free to request a hardcopy. Also, if you prefer only the digital pdf version, you can let us know to remove your name from the print mailing list (saves print and postage costs) and you can read it online right now.
* AG 100
The Assemblies of God Centennial celebration starts tomorrow for us, for our Panamanian church planters and friends the Ríos family, for the 1700 guests coming from 120 nations, and thousands from across the US from Tuesday till Sunday. In 1914 three hundred people met in Arkansas to form this Pentecostal (and I have to add “missionary”) fellowship. In 2014 there are 67 million people in 252 countries. Look for #AG100 to blow up all over social media. Please join in praying for a renewed move of the Holy Spirit toward an even greater impact around the world in the next 100 years!
* Family float trip
Since we only get to be all six together for about a month, we took a family vacation down by the river. Friends had told us about the relaxing fun of a float trip, and now we know. Most of us floated in tubes while Tony paddled the canoe pulling us. It was too slow for his ocean-to-ocean cayuco race tastes, but perfect for us!
* Added support
We praise the Lord and thank all of our supporters for recent progress toward our budget goals: we need around $8000 more in the cash budget and $650 more in monthly support. This is a praise and a prayer!
* Power in Praises (OK, you caught me, this
one really isn’t new!)
You won't have to lift a hand in this battle; just stand firm, Judah and Jerusalem, and watch GOD's saving work for you take shape.
Don't be afraid, don't waver.
March out boldly tomorrow--GOD is with you."
Then Jehoshaphat knelt down, bowing with his face to the ground.
All Judah and Jerusalem did the same, worshiping GOD.
The Levites (both Kohathites and Korahites) stood to their feet to praise GOD, the God of Israel; they praised at the top of their lungs!...
Jehoshaphat then led all the men of Judah and Jerusalem back to Jerusalem--an exuberant parade.
GOD had given them joyful relief from their enemies!
(2Ch 20:17-19, 27 MSG)
Yours for Them,
Kirk & Yvonne
P.S. If you prefer not to receive these e-Mailers, or happen to receive a duplicate, simply reply “remove” or “dup” and we will take care of it.