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e-Mailer for 7/14
Dear Friends,
Happy Fourth of July greetings!
If you'd prefer you can read this
e-Mailer online, or see past issues on
"Newsletter" page at This monthly e-Mailer
includes updates on our life, ministry, praise, and prayer.
On this holiday we Americans celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. May we strive to see in our own hearts an equal measure of devotion to the Great Commission that our Founding Fathers committed to ink and parchment as they signed below these closing words:
And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.
For many of them that pledge cost them their lives, or the lives of their loved ones. Others lost all of their possessions. Each signer paid an extreme price as the cost to purchase our nation’s freedom. Christ has paid the ultimate price for the eternal freedom from sin and death for every citizen of the world. Let us also pledge to each other to proclaim that Good News with a firm reliance on the protection of Almighty God!
Christ has set us free to live a free life. So take your stand!
Never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you. Gal. 5:1 MSG
As you have read in our past e-Mailers, we have been planning to return to Panamá this summer, but our monthly and cash budgets have been lacking. So after meeting with our area directors it was decided that we will extend our time in the States in order to continue itineration ministry and return to Panamá January 2015. Since Yvonne is now a Southern Missouri District appointed missionary, we have offered to minister and raise support in this area, plus any other doors of opportunity that the Lord opens.
We praise the Lord and thank all of our supporters that recently our cash budget has increased. Now we’re down to only $7,273 more needed. Current monthly budget remains at $770 needed.
Since we have received some questions on what we mean by
“monthly” or “cash” budget, let me offer a brief explanation. The monthly
budget total is from commitment forms submitted to AGWM from donors, both
churches and individuals, to contribute usually monthly toward our
missionary ministry. It covers our day-to-day living and ministry expenses,
assistance for Bible schools, local field ministries, along with regional
and administrative support that benefit all missionaries. The cash budget
total is from contributions that we have “in the bank” at our account at
AGWM for projected one-time or annual expenses that occur over the typical
four year missionary term. Feel free to contact us any time with questions
or comments you might have.
With the itineration extension, we will now be attending the Assemblies of God 100 year Centennial Celebration in Springfield, MO and we get to host our Panamanian church planters delegation. It is Pastor Ivan Ríos and his son, Ivan Jr. Remember him? He is the child preacher we met first arriving to Panamá and now assists his father in Boquete Valley. Their church, “Lily of the Valley,” has planted more than a dozen congregations. Another living example of the value of kids ministry producing fruit later in adulthood!
Here’s a brief update on our family:
Yvonne and I are especially grateful that we are all six together again for the rest of summer! Chloe was “Chief Band-Aid” (camp nurse) for a week of the MK summer program. Tony is finishing up his online summer classes (while squeezing in World Cup matches) before beginning his senior year at Evangel U. Celina returned this week from summer classes at Pepperdine U., including a study/missions trip to Kenya. Gracie took Driver’s Ed. summer school and behind-the-wheel instruction earning a “Great Driver!” comment from her instructor.
Our goal during itineration ministry is to strengthen and build relationships that are fruitful for the Kingdom of God. We strive to bless and minister to the pastors and individuals as we share what God has done and our vision for what we trust He’ll do in the future. We welcome the opportunity to share with your congregation or group of friends. Give us a call/text/e-mail! Thanks for joining us in praying to finish strong during these next six months heading back to Panamá!
Yours for Them,
Kirk & Yvonne
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