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e-Mailer for 6/12
Dear Friends,
Tropical rainy season graduation transitional greetings from Panamá!
If you'd like to read past issues, see Newsletters. This monthly e-Mailer includes updates on ministry, family, praise, and prayer.
If we
look like on-the-scene reporters, Yvonne and I recorded a little blurb to
use for upcoming itineration reports at last month’s KidsQuest Crusade. It
was held in Alcalde Díaz, which our host pastor Eric Carrasquillas
characterized as a “red zone,” meaning high crime, violence, and poverty.
Even in such a difficult environment I couldn’t help but notice that the
children’s leaders established an atmosphere of respect and loving control
so that learning could take place and the gospel was shared. Pastor Eric
said “the maleantes (undesirable element) in the community respect
the church” and haven’t stolen or damaged their property.
The prize table motivated the church kids to bring in
about 40 new children visitors.
It was so
gratifying to see many of them came forward to pray at the altar.
Last month we finished the Bible School semester and my class on World Religions. The two students I had, Carmen and Dayra, inspire anticipation of God doing great things with the missions endeavors through the Panamanian Assemblies of God. They both demonstrated a deep commitment to fulfilling the Great Commission in their lives and ministries.
Yesterday we held our children’s ministries monthly leaders seminar, the last one I will participate in for awhile. I appreciated their heartfelt prayers for our family during the transition. This afternoon Yvonne and I had a farewell get-together with our volunteer team. We appreciate your prayers for Carolina, Dallis, Manuel, Fanny, Aaron, Rigoberto, Javier and Edilma as they continue with seminars, training and outreach to the children and their teachers here in Panamá.
year is a trifecta of graduations for our family:
Chloe graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing
from Evangel University and Cox College. Honors she received: Silver Shield
service award (Evangel U.), “most inspirational student” and “outstanding
service award” (Cox College). You can see a video of her ceremonies on our
media page.
Kirk received an M.A. in Christian Ministry from the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary (AGTS). I’m so glad Norm (my dad) & Jo Jones got to be at both mine and Chloe’s graduation.
Celina graduated high
school from Crossroads Christian Academy. Among the honors she received:
senior achievement awards in math and fine arts as well as the superlative
“most likely to find a cure for cancer.” It’s funny because that is what
Yvonne has said about her for years! She enters Pepperdine University
(Malibu, CA) in the fall to study biology. To say the least, we will really
miss being close to her, but we are proud of her for earning this
Anthony finished his freshman year at Evangel on the dean’s list for academic excellence. He has been here for Celina’s graduation before returning to Springfield for a summer job tomorrow. He will be a “chief” (like a camp counselor) for early elementary missionary kids (MKs) during the AG summer program for new and veteran missionary families. We’re thrilled he gets to be an integral part of something that our kids loved doing when they were younger.
Gracie wrapped up the semester of her drama class with a performance of a play adapting the temptation of Christ into a confrontation with three characters representing seduction, evil and power. She played “evil” and did a great job along with all her classmate-actors! She also performed “Hungarian Dance #5” on violin for the year-end recital earlier in the month. You see her here from the photo shoot for friend’s quince años (fifteenth birthday party—very important for latin girls!). They had a great time getting all made up and going to several different locations in the city.
Speaking of different locations, on 15 June we are moving to Springfield, MO where we will be living for two years. The first year is for the normal itineration cycle visiting supporting and new churches. For our home district of Southern California I’ll operate from family base and by car or plane when visiting other districts, as in previous cycles. The second year I will serve as Missionary in Residence at Evangel University before returning back to Panamá to continue working with children’s ministries.
Summer travel includes traveling in Missouri, Illinois, Arkansas, Colorado, California, Oregon, and back to Missouri. Please note changes for our contact info below, especially if we can get together for a missionary service, window at church or an informal report over a cup of coffee. If we don’t have something scheduled yet, feel free to call or e-mail us, (but just give us a little time to respond during the crazy few weeks of transition…).
We sincerely covet your prayers for grace and peace (just like how Paul began most of his epistles), along with mental health (!) during another international move. It doesn’t seem to get any easier… We trust our strength will come from the Lord’s joy (Neh. 8:10), and our obedience, just like king Jotham:
Jotham's strength was rooted in his steady and determined life of obedience to GOD.
(2 Chron. 27:6 MSG)
Yours for them,
Kirk for all
Kirk Antonio Jones and Yvonne Jones
Chloe (21), Tony (19), Celina (17), Gracie (13)
Assemblies of God Missionaries to the Children of Panama
(until 6/15/12) Home: +507 317.6009 * temp. cel: 6455-9116
(eff. 6/15/12) Cell: +1 417.773.1427 * VoIP: +1 417.595.4697 * FAX: +1 866.520.3910
PO Box 6165, Springfield, MO 65801-6165 *
facebook: kirkajones * twitter: kirkajones