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e-Mailer for 7/11
Dear Friends,
Greetings in Jesus!
If you'd like to read past issues, see Newsletters. This monthly e-Mailer includes updates on ministry, family, praise, and prayer.
We trust you had an enjoyable and safe celebration of the
Fourth of July Independence Day yesterday. We got to enjoy a delicious
barbecue with our missionary friends and even light off some impressive
Last month the Assemblies of God in Panama also celebrated beginnings--the 44th anniversary of our founding by fellow Southern California missionaries, David & Doris Godwin, who still faithfully serve as missionaries to Mexico. In those 44 years God?s work here has grown to more than 1900 credentialed ministers, about 1000 congregations covering the isthmus, with a membership of over 80,000 believers. The same power of the Holy Spirit that the Godwins depended on under the crusade tent was felt at the altar service concluding this year?s anniversary celebration.
We recently upgraded our technology gear, which allows us
to produce video reports again. We invite you to take a look at the recent
2011-06 video report now on our
Media page. You?ll
notice a ?new? member of the KidsQuest Crusade team: Yvonne leads the games,
assisted by intern Raquel.
In just a few days we welcome the Southern California District Hispanic youth team, led by Larry & Melodee Gruetzmacher. They'll do outreach in Panama's interior and join our KidsQuest Crusade in Panama City, the community of Boca la Caja. Please pray for God to minister to and through them while they are here.
At the end of July is our annual Minister's Retreat,
where 500-600 of our AG ministers gather for inspiration, instruction, and
great fellowship. We'll be team-teaching two plenary sessions on the 4/14
Window along with Ruth Steele, Christian Education and Marcos Palma, King's
Castle. Pray that this provides additional tools and motivation for local
churches as they celebrate the International Year of the Child.
Our family took a few days of vacation here in Panama, enjoying one of Yvonne?s favorite beaches, Playa Venao seen here. While we missed Chloe, we enjoyed being all five for a little while longer, until?
?next month, when Anthony joins Chloe at Evangel
University, studying business. Pray for him and us in this transition?we
will all miss him very much. We are grateful that he and Chloe get to share
a year together in college.
Celina turns 17 tomorrow! Tonight she is celebrating with friends seen here making jewelry, and later will be eating cheesecake and going out for ice cream.
Gracie says she has been enjoying summer vacation and relaxing. Anthony & Celina agree.
Our July print newsletter has arrived; at least, that?s what a few friends tell us. If you did not receive yours yet, or would like to be added to the hardcopy list as well, please let us know.
Once again in my daily Bible reading, a passage jumped out at me:
They've made a full report back to the church here, a message about your love.
It's good work you're doing, helping these travelers on their way, hospitality worthy of God himself!
They set out under the banner of the Name, and get no help from unbelievers.
So they deserve any support we can give them. In providing meals and a bed, we become their companions in spreading the Truth.
3 John 1:6-8, The Message
We are very appreciative that together you and we are ?companions in spreading the Truth.? Thanks for providing us ?meals and a bed,? and even a car!
Yours for Them, under the banner of His Name,
Kirk for all