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e-Mailer for 3/09
Dear Friends,
Greetings in Jesus!
If you'd like to read past issues, see Newsletters. This monthly e-Mailer includes updates on ministry, family, praise and prayer.
Plus this issue
includes a top ten list I am sure you have never heard before:
Top 10 uses for a missionary prayer card:
as a bookmark
as a shim under a wobbly coffee table
as an under liner ruler for a book you are marking
as a coaster for a cup of coffee on a table that doesn't wobble anymore
as very small, difficult-to-fold, paper airplane, …sort of
as evidence that hair turns greyer every five years
as a heart-felt "Thank You" from the missionary for your prayer and support
as evidence that hair can be dyed so that it doesn't turn greyer every five years
as a reminder to visit the website, write, call and pray for a missionary
I actually made use of numbers 1, 3, 5 and 8 on a plane trip recently. Hope you are making good use of our prayer card. If you'd like one, or more, just let me know.
So where have we been this past month? in nearby Nipomo here on the central coast of California; in beautiful San Diego, CA; in sunny Orlando, FL (nope--didn't see Mickey); in Indio and Palm Springs, CA; and in Glendora, CA from where we first started in ministry 24 years ago. Plus about a dozen appointments with pastors and leaders and supporters in and around the church services.
It has been great to get reacquainted with longtime friends, colleagues and supporters; plus making new friends and partners in ministry.
It is also
challenging in these economic times. Nevertheless, our trust and confidence
is in the Lord of the Harvest who calls and equips His workers. With that in
mind, we now need about $1375 in monthly support. That means just 55 more
individuals, churches or groups to make a faith commitment of $25 per month.
In the cash budget we lack about $35,000.
Our yearend
Thank You letter and gift went out a little over a week ago to our financial
contributors. Unfortunately we have received several back from the USPS
damaged in transit. If we were able to identify to whom it was sent, we
re-sent it. So if you donated to our ministry last year we want you to
receive our small gift in appreciation. In addition, we'd like to be able to
update your giving and contact information. Let us know if you have not
received your letter yet. Thanks.
Chloe got to spend some time with a good friend from Panamá, Lyda. She is going to University here in the U.S. too. You can see for both girls where their heart still is!
Anthony & Celina got to go with their youth group on a weekend retreat. They said the worship was amazing, as you can see here, and the speakers challenged their lives. Time with the other youth was a lot of fun too!
basketball season with the "Killer Bees" is now done. After her last playoff
game she asked me, "Do you know what the worst part of basketball is?" I
thought maybe she'd say the running, since she just was getting done with a
cold and might be worn out. She said, "when it's over." The team earned a
fourth place trophy. You can be sure we'll make room in the shipment to
Panama for that!
In closing we thank you for praying with us for the following:
* that we passionately share the call God has placed on our hearts
* that our team of volunteers in Panama keep reaching children for Christ
* that we return to Panama ASAP to be able continue helping "children reach children"
* that we shrewdly and creatively survive in spite of any adversity (as the following verses encourage us)
Re: the parable of the crooked manager, Jesus said:
I want you to be smart in the same way--but for what is right--using every adversity to stimulate you to creative survival, to concentrate your attention on the bare essentials, so you'll live, really live, and not complacently just get by on good behavior.
Luke 16.8-9, The Message
Yours for Them,
Kirk for all