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e-Mailer for 2/08
Dear Friends,
Greetings in Jesus! If you'd like to read past issues, click on
Newsletters. This monthly e-Mailer includes updates on ministry,
family, praise and prayer.
Panama's AG
Annual Session was 6-9 January.
We ministered with our minister's children,
a few you can see here during recreation time. In the mornings, we taught on
the Sword of the Spirit, the Power of Prayer and Worship, and the Power of
the Holy Spirit.
In the evenings we enjoyed movies and popcorn. They especially enjoyed the movie "Facing the Giants." I was pleasantly surprised, because I wasn't sure how well they would like a "football" movie that wasn't about soccer.
Our monthly
Leadership seminars in January and February went well, though summertime
reduced turnout. The meeting we had this morning proved to be a special time
of ministry in the Holy Spirit for one of our teachers who had suffered
emotional hurts which unfortunately had come from her church leaders. The
smaller group allowed for more focused personal attention.
Our most recent
KidsQuest Crusade was in San Diego de Pacora, with Pastor Adán Acosta and
his wife, shown here. Almost all of the kids from Sunday morning gathered
around our team for this final picture.
Last month I taught two workshops at a national Children's Ministries retreat sponsored by FourSquare missionaries Gino & Bonita Sanchez. They organized a great retreat with over 300 in attendance.
We celebrated
Yvonne's birthday by going out for Greek barbecue at "Jimmy's," as you can
see. Later we had homemade cake (by Celina) and ice cream at home.
This morning Chloe shared the highlight of her week: she was able to share Jesus with some school friends at a party. They had a long in-depth conversation about the validity of Christianity. She said she felt like Jesus must have felt when he would talk with all kinds of people in any setting. Before leaving the party, the kids said they wanted to continue the conversation later.
Tony is paddling cayuco this year, in "Lone Star." All four of the guys are members of Crossfire youth group. The first regatta (race) of the season was last month. You can see raw footage on YouTube.
For Celina's
eye we thank you for your prayers. She still has scar tissue, but with new
glasses she can see clear enough to read well both close and far away. She's
involved in student government at school again this semester.
Gracie wants to be a football player. Don't take my word for it. Read her own words in her short story "Living Muscles" for the school assignment what-I-want-to-be-when-I-grow-up. It's on her art gallery page.
Yes, she and the rest of us will be watching the Super Bowl tomorrow evening. We're hoping to break last year's record of 59 in attendance!
You can schedule a visit for our upcoming itineration July 08 - July 09 on our Itineration page. We'd love to see you again, or meet for the first time!
Much thanks for your prayers, support and love. We look forward to seeing many of during our upcoming itineration.
But you, dear friends, carefully build yourselves up in this most holy faith by praying in the Holy Spirit, staying right at the center of God's love, keeping your arms open and outstretched, ready for the mercy of our Master, Jesus Christ. This is the unending life, the real life!
Jude 1:20-21, The Message
Kirk for all