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e-Mailer for 8/07
Dear Friends,
Greetings in Jesus! If you'd like to read past issues, click on Newsletters. This monthly e-Mailer includes updates on ministry, family, praise and prayer.
Last month's
KidsQuest Crusade was in Volcán, Chiriquí, a small mountain community about
an eight hour drive from Panamá City with a cool climate (yeah!). Our Rep.
for the zone, Edilma de Villarreal, coordinated with host pastor Manuel
Solano to organize a great event. Right around half of the 300 children in
total attendance were new to the church, and the Gospel. We saw many respond
in typical subdued fashion to the altar calls.
I mention the tranquil nature of the kids, because it's a noticeable difference from city kids who are typically loud, active and rambunctious! You can see more of them, and our team, in this month's photo album. Plus, I invite you to view scenes from this KidsQuest Crusade in Volcán via video on our Media page.
Edilma brought Muriel (seen front and center) from her church to begin training as our new girl clown, Ling, for crusades in their geographic zone.
In the past couple months our Children's Ministries Leaders Seminars topics have been: Carolina on organizing effective events; Dallis on using resources at hand, and me on involving kids in ministry.
Panamá's Annual
Minister's Retreat was held the end of July. Our whole family helped out
(except Chloe--I'll explain where she was in a minute). Anthony accompanied
Yvonne on his guitar for the worship. Celina and Yvonne prepared and
organized the crafts. Gracie entered in to all the classes and played soccer
with the boys. I taught on the Kingdom of God with great help from Fanny,
shown here helping her table with their orange-clove craft. You can see
several more pics of the kids doing their crafts and praising the Lord with
gusto in
this month's photo album.
Our family
enjoyed some vacation time here in country with a visit from some of
Yvonne's family. We combined work with play going up to Duíma to show the
progress and help take some pictures for LACC sponsors. Some of the younger
students let us take this picture with them.
Chloe was in Máncora Perú on a missions trip with her youth group the last of July, first of August. They ministered in VBS-style classes for children in the mornings. They built strong relationships with the youth of the church (three birthday parties in one week!). They wrapped up their week with two open-air evangelistic concerts. She showed us all 1200+ pictures/videos from her new camera the night she got home and told us she wants to go back!
Speaking of
going back, it's back to school again today for Chloe. Tony, Celina, and
Gracie started back on Tuesday. They were sooo excited to get back,… well at
least Gracie was!
This past week I got to talk with a dear senior saint who supports us sacrificially from his fixed income. He was so encouraging and uplifting to us even while he and his wife are dealing with health problems. He was almost apologetic about the small amount they send, but I was quick to tell him that we are very grateful for the small, faithful donations that come through consistently.
So to the many others who like our dear friend support our ministry faithfully we thank you from the bottom of our heart. You humble us and motivate us!
We are looking forward to sharing with many of you during our upcoming itineration July 08 - July 09. We invite you to contact us at your earliest convenience to schedule a visit. Feel free to use our Itineration page.
I call Heaven and Earth to witness against you today: I place before you
Life and Death,
Blessing and Curse.
Choose life so that you and your children will live.
And love GOD, your God, listening obediently to him, firmly embracing him.
Oh yes, he is life itself, a long life settled on the soil that GOD, your God, promised to give your ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
(Deut. 30:19-20, The Message)
Kirk for all