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e-Mailer for 10/06b Prayer Requests
(originally sent 10/27/06)
Dear Friends,
I don't normally send a separate generic e-mail with prayer requests, but
this week has been especially hard on Panamá. Please pray for these
1. "UNKNOWN SYNDROME": As we reported in our last e-Mailer, a toxic
substance has caused the death of at least 42 people here in Panamá City. It
appears to be contamination of common medicines prepared at the Social
Security hospital, but the origin is still unknown. Families are grieving,
and angry. Patients have left the hospital for fear of contamination. People
are unsure which medicines they need are safe to take. Pray for resolution.
2. HORRIFIC BUS FIRE TRAGEDY: On Monday 10/23 a public bus caught on fire
and burned completely. Of the 44 passengers, many were injured, two are
still critical, and eighteen didn't survive. Our AG headquarters told me
that nine of those eighteen were either members or minister's wives in our
Assembly of God churches. In particular, I just got off the phone with
Pastor David Herrera, who used to teach with me at Bible school, after
consoling him on the loss of his wife. It happened just in front of Hosanna
church and TV studios, and Pastor Edwin Alvarez was one of the first to the
scene, but his daughter told us that there was nothing to be done. The bus
had only one exit, at the front, where the fire started in the engine
compartment. The windows were sealed shut for the air conditioning. The
cause of the fire is under investigation. Pray for consolation.
3. INCREASE IN ROBBERIES: We heard just yesterday of another robbery of a
house up the street. Three armed men forced family members back into the
house catching them by surprise while they were in between the car and the
house. Luckily the house had video surveillance which captured their images
clear enough to recognize and later apprehend one of the robbers--he was a
policeman. Pray for protection.
Thanks and God bless!
Kirk for all