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e-Mailer for 4/06
Dear Friends,
Greetings in Jesus! If you'd like to read past issues, click on Newsletters. This monthly e-Mailer includes updates on ministry, family, praise and prayer.
“Blessed the coming kingdom of our father David! Hosanna in highest heaven!”
Mark 11.10 MSG
“Didn’t we feel on fire as he conversed with us on the road, as he opened up the Scriptures for us? … It’s really happened! The Master has been raise up -- Simon saw him!”
Luke 24.32,34 MSG
Every April
Panama's executives hold special services and Bible extension graduations in
Panama’s NW province of Bocas del Toro. My friends, the Panamanian
officials, told me: "Jones, you should preach in Empalme. It was
founded by a Gringo--David Spencer, now in Nicaragua--so a Gringo should
preach there!" Fine with me.
We'll be returning to Bocas del Toro Province for a KidsQuest Crusade and Seminar here in Empalme with Pastor Rafael Alvarez the end of May. We invite you to join us in prayer with Pastor Rafael and his team for many children to be reached for Jesus.
Part of my work as missionary vocal on the executive board is helping plan events, such as the trip to Bocas mentioned above. Another national gathering scheduled for the end of this month is the annual Deacons & Lay Leader's Retreat. We endeavor to strengthen the ministry effectiveness of the Pastor-Board partnership, plus pave the way for lay leaders to follow God's call to full-time ministry. I'd appreciate your prayers for my seminar on Leader's Principles for Success on the last Sunday of the month.
We held a training for
more KidsQuest Crusade workers. Here you see them practicing being the
clowns Ding and Ling in the Good Samaritan skit--the girl clown, Ling, gives
Ding medicine (peanut M&Ms) and then prays for him to feel better. Guess
what? -- it works! We look forward to incorporating more volunteers in order
to join with local churches who want to host more crusades this year.
Some recent topics in our Children's Ministries leader's seminars have been:
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Using games in Evangelism, with Fanny de Quinzada |
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Ministering with children in family groups, with Dallis Quiñones |
We added another
seminar in the interior, in Aguadulce (“Sweetwater”). Rev. Melissa de
Valdés, who serves as Advisor to our Santiago committee with Rigoberto
Mitchell, joined me and is seen here sharing on the topic: Christian
children in our Public Schools. We added workshops on Adapting to your
Student’s Learning Style and Evangelizing children without a Father Figure.
Unfortunately, that last one is a pressing need in most of our communities.
We all celebrated Daddy’s
birthday in March. We resurrected the tombstone candle that plays the
Funeral March for this special occasion.
Chloe has been super busy with school, paddling cayuco, and fellowship. She's got a group of Christian friends, all leaders in the youth group, that get together every couple of weeks. She loves it, and they are "encouraging one another to good works in the Lord," so I'm not complaining, even if I have to go get her at 11pm.
Yesterday she
finished the 43 mile, three day Ocean-to-Ocean race safe and sound in a
total time of 7hrs 31min 52sec! We'll report fully next issue.
Anthony's sense of humor is developing right along with his growth and development into a young man. The most recent example: Today we had some missionary friends visit the house and give our family bags of chocolates and candies from the States. Anthony, holding the bags in his hands, walked up to Yvonne and said very seriously with a deadpan expression, “Mom, say ‘yes’ after everything I ask you.”
Celina continues with artsy stuff. Her latest project is painting a bird-of-paradise flower. She's added a couple of new oil paintings from her art lessons that you can also see online.
Gracie bought
roller blades with her very own money. She has mastered the two-wheeler
bicycle, so now she wants to do skating. She actually is learning very fast.
I made her also buy a set of pads--knees, elbows and wrist support. What she
really needs is padding on her back side. That's where she says it hurts the
most when she falls down!
Gracie is pictured here at the Children’s Church “Noble Knights and Pretty Princesses” banquet. The boys all received a plastic sword and the girls all received a cross necklace. Gracie wanted the sword! But she is wearing her necklace almost everyday.
Our kids are thrilled to have Papa Paul and Grandma Karen (Kirk’s Mom) here to enjoy Easter week vacation. We all cheered on Chloe yesterday at the race. Here we are enjoying decorating eggs.
Thanks for your
ongoing prayer and financial support that allows us to gladly proclaim,
the coming kingdom of our Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus, our
"And that's about it, friends. Be cheerful. Keep things in good repair. Keep your spirits up. Think in harmony. Be agreeable. Do all that, and the God of love and peace will be with you for sure. Greet one another with a holy embrace. All the brothers and sisters here say hello."
2 Cor. 13.11-13 MSG
Yours for Them,
Kirk for all