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e-Mailer for 3/05
Dear Friends,
Greetings in Jesus! If you'd like to read past issues, click on "Newsletter"
at This monthly e-Mailer includes updates on
ministry, family, praise and prayer.
Since Carnaval (Mardi Gras in US) fell on the first weekend of February, we had our Children’s Ministries leaders seminar the second Saturday. We have established our ministry vision to reach, disciple, and train the children of Panama to be faithful, Pentecostal followers of Jesus Christ. So my emphasis was on the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Please pray with us that our children will receive that power from on high to live godly lives for Jesus!
We were honored and blessed by the visit of Joyce & Stone Fetterly early in February. Joyce has served as Secretary to my Pastor Bill Dogterom and Foothill Christian Center church since right around when we were on staff with him twenty years ago. She and her husband Stone retired the week prior to coming. They made a working vacation in Panamá their very first retirement trip! Ya gotta love it!
Stone blessed us by donating his skilled labor, and the church blessed us
with money for very high quality supplies to lay down a new industrial
strength floor at our ministry office. Now the linoleum doesn’t bunch up
under the office chairs.
Our kids thoroughly enjoyed the special Valentine’s Day Party that Joyce brought with her. Plus we treasured the dozens of cards from friends and students at Foothill. Since we had included one of our cats, Kiwi, in our Christmas bookmark picture, many students asked about her. At one point, Anthony blurted out, “Kiwi got more valentines than I did!”
God worked out schedules so that Joyce & Stone could be with our kids while
we went to a working retreat for missionary moderators in Costa Rica. It was
a time to hear from our Central America missionary area directors, Paul &
Karla Weis, and fellowship with other missionaries. It was great to connect
with our former San Ysidro youth pastors Jason & Cindee Frenn, among many
The day Joyce & Stone flew out, Pastor Roy Rhodes and nine team members
from Paola Kansas arrived. They ministered in Templo La Felicidad, with
Pastor Julio Valdés (see next newsletter’s Panamanian Profile), did some
site-seeing, and then spent the rest of the week at the Guaymí Family
Retreat. They helped set up, tear down, clean up, and break down the large
Convoy of Hope food donations into family-sized packets.
They also helped hand out brand new Guaymí translations of the New Testament, purchased with Light-for-the-Lost funds from Wycliffe Panamá. Over 17 years of language learning, translating, and editing came to fruition. The second evening service we made a special presentation to each of our Guaymí pastors.
In the mornings we ministered to about 700 children, with help from Pastor
Julio’s teachers. Afternoons were for classes, then cooling off in the
river. Evening services started with Bible videos for the kids (& adults).
Total attendance was about 2200. Hundreds made a reconciliation decision for
were touched by the Holy Spirit each night at the altar services. About 75
were baptized in water the final day.
Also on the last day was the distribution of the tons of food donated by
Convoy of Hope. That is one of the highlights of the retreat for these who
have so little. But it’s not the only reason they come. They all stayed for
the afternoon baptismal and evening worship service following the
About one-third of that donation was delivered using the box truck we
inherited last year. We also put the stage on the truck to use at a “mini”
KidsQuest Crusade in the open air the day after the Kansas team left. Our
Bengal tiger mascot “CJ” made a special salvation appeal after an animated
video of the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus. Almost every one of the
125 kids in the parking lot raised a hand to accept Jesus. As they left that
night, each and every one received a handful of tracts to read and to share
with others.
I want to be sure and include right here our special thanks to Southern California’s Missionettes and Director Betty Ludolph who are raising funds this year to make repairs and improvements on this ministry truck. Termites have damaged flooring and walls. Carpeting is peeling off. Paint is chipping away. A bed sheet screen doesn’t work in daylight at all! Plus we need a separate sound system and electric generator to use it in outlying areas. We appreciate your hard work, ladies, to reach children here in Panamá.
You can see more of these kids, the truck, more of the Guaymí retreat, more
of the new floor and more of our family’s Super Bowl party in this
photo album.
Chloe, shown here with Gracie, told me today that they started playing
basketball again in PE. She is so excited!
Anthony played guitar for the first time in chapel with the worship band. He did a great job! His instructor, Eyderman, is looking on from behind while playing bass.
Celina wasn’t too interested in the Super Bowl hoopla, until she was told they could paint faces with Patriots’ or Eagles’ logos.
Gracie was watching a Bugs Bunny cartoon one afternoon when Yvonne asked her
what she was doing.
She replied, “I’m just here talking with Jesus. Not praying--just talking.”
March wraps up “summer vacation” here, so the first few weeks are full of VBS and camps, and crusades. We count on your prayers for spiritually effective ministry. Thanks for supporting us on your knees.
I don't know about you, but I'm running hard for the finish line. I'm giving it everything I've got. No sloppy living for me! I'm staying alert and in top condition. I'm not going to get caught napping, telling everyone else all about it and then missing out myself.
(1Co 9:26-27, The Message)
Mid-month we mailed from Panamá a year-end Thank You letter to all who financially support our ministry regularly. If you’ve not yet received that letter and gift, please let me know at your earliest convenience. If you do not yet support our ministry regularly and would like to, please let me know that too! And to those who pray and give to support the Master’s Heart reaching the children here in Panamá, we thank you!
Yours for Them,
Kirk for all