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e-Mailer for 10/04
Dear Friends,
Greetings in Jesus! If you'd like to read this e-Mailer with photos, click Or to see past issues, click on "Newsletter" at This monthly e-Mailer includes updates on ministry, family, praise and prayer.
In addition to our monthly e-Mailer, we send a quarterly print newsletter. Our issue for October should be going out as I type. You can see it online right now at:
* Children’s
Ministries Seminars on Puppetry: I wanted you to be able to see the
results of the previous two seminars. In the first photo Manuel Miranda is
demonstrating proper speaking technique for the puppeteer. In the next you
see the proud display of these cute hand-made puppets by their creators.
At the seminar this past Saturday, Dallis Quiñones led the very practical workshop on “How to Take Advantage of Resources At Hand.” She dealt with how to use what you have laying around at home or within reach to teach effective lessons. She’s now serving as our Ministry Treasurer and Carolina Canto is Secretary (see Panamanian Profile below). I shared on “Children’s Ministries Strengthening Family Relations.”
* You may
remember Adela de Giroldi from the Panamanian Profile in our Newsletter
XV-2. As her Bible school Advisor we ministered at the inauguration service
at Boca La Caja. They will hold weekly classes for at-risk kids:
Bible songs and teaching, games, snacks and help with homework.
Another new project we’ll be visiting this month is with Maricela Salazar in Arraijan. Please pray for these children’s workers, and others, as Children’s Ministries spreads its roots here in Panamá.
* Missions Pastor Randy Foster & Marty Hill visited from Visalia First Assembly of God. We checked out the progress and project potential in a few ministries. Here’s an update for those of you who have been praying for them (with pictures linked).
First we went to “Skid Row,” on Balboa Avenue, to the Centro Libertados (“Liberation Center”) with Pastor/Director Tony García. We introduced him in our 2004-03 e-Mailer. We serve as Advisors to the ministry and have helped equip the kitchen at the Center. Since opening 19 July this year, they have received from the streets over 70 men, providing 3 meals a day, a safe place to sleep, and a chance to serve Jesus, as seen here with Pastor Tony on the left praising the Lord with several former addicts and alcoholics. Plus they have sent 12 men to the rehabilitation camp to get out of the city, get cleaned up--in every way possible--and get job training.
Tony asked us to pray with him for the vision he has to get every homeless person off the streets of Panamá City. He pointed to an abandoned private school across the street that occupies an entire block. He wants to fill it with former crack-heads, prostitutes, drunks and street people. We invite you to contact us if you feel the Lord wants you to donate your time, talent or treasure.
Next we went up the mountain to Duíma, to see the Latin America Childcare school and church under the direction of Pastor César Rivera. There are now 147 students enrolled from K3 to 6th grade. Many still need a sponsor. Contact us if you are interested.
I include this picture of the Rivera family César, Ana, Ana Saraí (7) and César Abdías (4) to ask you to pray for their ministry, and their growing family. Ana is expecting their third child early next year!
* Panamanian Profile is a feature of our print newsletters. I realized those of you who only receive e-Mailers wouldn’t get to meet our co-laborers, unless you read the newsletter online.
So we are pleased to
introduce Miss Carolina Canto, our Children's Ministries secretary, and
expert KidsQuest Crusade organizer. Doing the behind-the-scenes work at the
first Crusade she demonstrated a real knack. Plus she mastered the Gospel
Illusions. Ever since she keeps us lined up with props, costumes, and actors
for the rest of the Crusades we’ve done this past year. She also helps
coordinate sales and distribution of ministry materials, as shown here. In
her local church she has served faithfully for years teaching and
coordinating children’s ministries.
Warning: Soccer can divide even the closest families! The US (ranked 10th) played here last month. Panamá (ranked 110th) was winning 1-0 with a minute to go in extra injury time, when the US scored the tying goal from a mud puddle just in front of the box. Everybody was disappointed, except for Kirk. He was the only one rooting for the US. All of us are hoping both Panamá & USA qualify for the FIFA World Cup Germany 2006.
* For an English assignment, Chloe chose Gracie as her subject, and wrote this delightfully funny and descriptive essay (warning: if you’re offended by “wedgies,” you may want to pass).
* On the way home from youth group recently, Anthony nonchalantly announced, “Dad, I swallowed two goldfish.” He volunteered for the game before he knew what it was—he’s still happy he did it. His only regret: he couldn’t get the third one down.
Anthony’s and
Celina’s classes are joining together to do an adaptation of the Grimm
brothers’ Rumpelstiltskin. Anthony will be Osgood Grindstone, the miller,
and father to Pettle Grindstone, played by Celina, who falls in love with
Prince Nerven, played by Anthony’s longtime friend, Luis. They are all
really excited. We’ll be sure to post opening night performance pictures!
* For her birthday Celina got a lot of art supplies, especially jewelry-making items. After creating quite a number of bracelets, necklaces, earrings and such, she wanted to hold a sale. So all the family helped with her exhibition / yard sale. First the girls made cookies and coffee to sell to the customers. Chloe, Gracie and Anthony attracted drive-by customers. Daddy hooked up the sound system and cranked Eric Cedeño (Panamanian Christian accordion artist—very popular down here! And no, “accordion artist” is not an oxymoron). Celina earned a few dollars and the family created a great memory.
* Gracie is seen
with her buddy Sammy at her 6th Birthday--Spiderman theme, same as last
year. She was sporting a big gap in her smile--missing her two front teeth!
Sammy keeps bugging his mom to check if his teeth are loose, like Gracie.
*** Please pray for the KidsQuest Crusade in Concepción Friday - Sunday 8 - 10 October. It’s about an 8 hour drive one way, so we appreciate your prayers for safety. Returning from Duíma yesterday we were surprised to find the road covered by a mudslide. Good thing we weren’t there a couple minutes earlier! We were able to pass off the edge of the road. I am glad we got there just before a couple of tractor-trailer trucks. They would block anyone from getting by.
Pray for visitor’s campaign, that many children hear the Gospel for the first time! Pray for the team members to learn their parts quickly! Pray that the PowerMark comics and evangelistic tracts speak to the hearts of all who read them--the boys and girls who bring them home, plus their older siblings, family members and friends. We’ll report on how God answers our prayers early next month.
My apologies for the delayed delivery of this issue. Computer broke. Need I say more? Yvonne continues to sing the praises of her durable, virus-free, always “on” paper-and-pencil. I was tempted to toss the technology, but I’m hooked! And how else would you get these e-Mailers?
I’ve been invited to preach for a prayer vigil service that’s dedicated to Children’s Ministries. The theme verse seemed appropriate, so I share it here with you, as a motivation to prayer and vigil.
As each night watch begins, get up and cry out in prayer. Pour your heart out face to face with the Master. Lift high your hands. Beg for the lives of your children who are starving to death out on the streets.
(Lam 2:19 The Message)
Yours for Them,
Kirk for all