FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) for Teams ministering in Panamá

Click on any question in the following list to see the answer. If your question isn't answered here, please contact us.

What languages do they speak in Panamá?     [TOP]

What about translation?    [TOP]

Here are a few of my suggestions to make translation of testimonies, teaching and preaching more effective:

* Testimonies:

* Translation:

* Check out this humorous look at translation on a missions trip.

What are Immigration visa requirements to enter Panamá?     [TOP]

What about crime safety?     [TOP]

How is the food and water in Panamá?     [TOP]

What about hotels?     [TOP]

How much does transportation cost?     [TOP]

What's the weather like?     [TOP]

What is appropriate dress for different occasions?     [TOP]

What about money, overall trip expenses?     [TOP]

What about electrical power?     [TOP]

What about: taxes, tipping, taxis, window-washers, beggars?     [TOP]

What do you as a missionary want us as a team to know most of all?     [TOP]

Where can I learn more about Panamá? (like do I need shots?)     [TOP]

Thanks for your interest in bringing a team to minister with us in Panamá. Feel free to contact or e-mail us.